Now is the perfect time to get out in the garden and enjoy the warmer weather. We have a fun activity you can do with your tamariki, that also benefits our pollinator friends, and will add bursts of colour to your garden.
Flower bombs are eco friendly, fun and super cute. Don’t worry if you don’t have much of a green thumb, no real skill is required with seed bombs, the idea is that they germinate on their own to become a delightful floral display.
Let’s jump on in and learn how you can make your own!
2 packets of seeds
1/2 cup potting mix
1 packet air dry clay (or clay soil)
Optional: Fresh flowers/petals for decoration
Take a small piece of air-dry clay and press in to a flat round shape approximately 2.5cm round. Press the clay into a bowl shape. We added fresh petals to our clay for decoration.
Add a pinch of seeds to each piece of clay. It’s a good idea to mix the seed varieties as the larger seeds will help to break apart the clay.
Check with your local nursery or gardening group to see what flowers are best for your area.
Fill each clay bowl with a good teaspoon of potting mix, then pinch two sides of the clay bowl together and fold over itself, and roll the clay into a sphere.
Now you can simply throw your flower bombs in the garden and wait for them to grow. It's a great idea to put them somewhere just before it rains so that they rain can help to break up the clay and give the seeds some water to start to grow.